Congruent and Incongruent Media托福聽力原文翻譯及問題答案
2024-04-04 16:39:22 來源:中國教育在線
Congruent and Incongruent Media托福聽力原文翻譯及問題答案
一、Congruent and Incongruent Media托福聽力原文:
NARRATOR:Listen to part of a lecture in a business class.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Last time,we talked about the design and production of advertisements.Today we'll be discussing how advertisers decide where to display their ads.This is critical to a successful marketing campaign because it builds up the consumer's brand awareness,their knowledge of a product made by a particular manufacturer.And studies show that the more you are aware of a product,there's a greater chance you'll buy it.Now,most ads we see in the media—like in newspapers,television,or magazines—are placed where the product is matched with a medium of a similar"theme."
Let's take...uh...the medium of magazines as an example.If you were to flip through,say,an automotive magazine,what kind of ads would you expect to find?Jack?MALE STUDENT:Ads for parts—tires,stuff like that?FEMALE PROFESSOR:Good.When you have an ad for a certain product in media with a similar theme,we call that congruent media.Congruent simply means, "it fits"—it's what you'd expect.Congruent media placement is the most logical choice for marketing a product.
First,it's obvious that people reading a car magazine are interested in cars.So if you place a car ad there,you know you are reaching the right audience.Also,research shows that when people read an ad in a congruent medium,afterwards,they have pretty good recall of what was advertised.Now,there's another approach,that's placing ads in incongruent media.Incongruent media are the magazines,newspapers,TV spots,where the theme doesn't match the theme of the product.Even though it seems counterintuitive,research shows that this also is an effective marketing strategy.One study tested this by placing car advertisements in a magazine that had an incongruent theme and it found that this contributed to consumers'positive attitudes toward the ad...and the car being advertised.MALE STUDENT:What kind of magazine was it?FEMALE PROFESSOR:A cooking magazine.MALE STUDENT:Wow,that worked?I'd have imagined it would be a distraction to see something like that,you know,out of place.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well,keep in mind that potential car buyers don't read only car magazines.Most have other interests.Many of them probably subscribe to other magazines,a news weekly,a financial publication,something related to a special interest or hobby.So what marketers have to do then is carefully research potential customers and look for overlapping interests,which magazine overlaps most with the interests of the car buyer.Then when they do choose to place ads in incongruent media,they know they'll be effective.MALE STUDENT:O--K?FEMALE PROFESSOR:Now this study suggests that because the people reading a cooking magazine didn't expect to see a car ad,they actually paid more attention.And so,for example,when people who like reading about cars see a car ad in a car magazine,they might pass over it quickly,while here?MALE STUDENT:...they actually took more time to read the ad.FEMALE PROFESSOR:Right!People paid more attention.They processed the information more carefully when it appears in a medium with a different theme.This ultimately results in stronger brand awareness,which leads to a more favorable impression of that product overall.Jenny?FEMALE STUDENT:So,according to this study,basically,when I see an ad in an unexpected place,it'll make me want to buy the product?FEMALE PROFESSOR:Well,yes and no.The research shows you'll probably remember that ad and you are more likely to feel positive about that product.Now,whether you'll go out to buy it is a different story.
Of course,there are other factors at work remember,those criteria we discussed last week?Anyway,this explains why most marketers today rely on a mix of congruent and incongruent media.But there are limits to how incongruent the media should be.You don't want a totally mismatch.So in a magazine aimed at new parents,you often see car advertisements since parents buy and drive cars.But there are different types of cars,right?For example,placing an ad here for a big roomie van,which is popular with big families would make sense,but a snappy sports car with only two seats?Well,that would clearly be too much of a mismatch.
二、Congruent and Incongruent Media托福聽力中文翻譯:
三、Congruent and Incongruent Media托福聽力問題:
Q1:1.What is the lecture mainly about?
A.The advantages of congruent over incongruent media for advertising cars.
B.The advantages of using magazines over television as an incongruent advertising medium.
C.How incongruent media can be used for effective advertising.
D.How advertising using only one type of media can increase brand awareness.
Q2:2.According to the professor,what is one of the advantages of placing an advertisement in congruent media?
A.Consumers process the information more carefully than they would if it appeared in other media.
B.The advertisement is seen by consumers who would be most interested in the product advertised.
C.Consumers can easily compare the product advertised with its competitors.
D.Consumers are repeatedly exposed to the advertisement.
Q3:3.Why does the professor mention car buyers who subscribe to more than one magazine?
A.To emphasize the importance of product design in appealing to readers with different interests.
B.To emphasize the importance of keeping a marketing strategy up-to-date.
C.To give an example of how marketing can expand a magazine's readership.
D.To show why marketers need to research overlapping interests.
Q4:4.The professor describes a research study in which advertisements for a car were placed in a cooking magazine.What did the researchers find?
A.Readers paid attention to the advertisements because the product advertised did not match the magazine's theme.
B.Readers'attention to the advertisements varied depending on the location of the advertisements in the magazine.
C.Readers formed a negative attitude toward the car that was advertised.
D.Readers'responses to the cooking articles were not affected by the presence of car advertisements.
Q5:5.Why does the professor describe two types of car advertisements in a magazine for new parents?
A.To compare the common features of advertisements in congruent and incongruent media.
B.To compare the reactions of older and younger readers when they see a particular product.
C.To point out that a medium that is too incongruent with a product will not reach potential buyers of that product.
D.To point out that magazines are the most effective type of incongruent medium for placing advertisements.
Q6:6.Replay:What does the professor mean when she says this:
A.She does not agree with the conclusions of the study.
B.Different research studies have led to conflicting conclusions.
C.The student's conclusion is only partly correct.
D.The student's conclusion applies to congruent,but not incongruent,media.
四、Congruent and Incongruent Media托福聽力答案: