2023-08-01 14:36:46 來源:中國教育在線
Describe a situation you were not allowed to use your cell phone
Where was it
When was it
Why you were not allowed
What did you want to do with your cell phone
Cell phones have become an indispensable part of our lives that,today, we cannot think of a life without the cell phone.There are many places, where the use of a cell phone is very disturbing. For example, in religious places like temples, restaurants and hospitals.
Here, I would like to talk about a situation when I was not allowed to use the cell phone.Last month, my aunt had come from the UK to spend a few days with us and do some shopping for her daughter’s wedding.We decided to go to the Golden Temple Amritsar on the weekend.I remember vividly, there was a long queue to enter the main building.Our turn came after one hour’s wait.Just as we entered the main prayer hall, my phone started ringing.Everybody turned to look at me as if I had committed a crime.I had forgotten to turn my cell phone off.There were notices all around that cell phones had to be turned to the silent mode before entering the hall.I cut the call and immediately turned off my cell phone.I felt very embarrassed.There were so many people there but nobody’s cell phone was ringing. After doing the circumambulation of the holy book, we came out. Then we went to the community kitchen, where food is served round the clock.After another one hour, we came out of the main building of the temple, and then Iswitched my cell phone back on.There were four missed calls from my cousin.I called her and told her why we didn’t answer her calls. She understood.
So this was the situation when I was not allowed to use my cell phone.
雅思口語Part 1范文:手機
1.How often do you use your mobile phone?Well, obviously I use my mobile phone on a daily basis. I always use it to get in touch with my family and friends. Besides, I play games in my mobile phone when I have nothing to do at home in the day time.
2.Can you describe your mobile phone?Currently I’m using iPhone 6s. Though it was quite expensive, it came with lots of exciting features and apps. The screen response is perfect and the thumb print works 100% of the time and is really convenient to get into the phone. Besides, the camera is awesome too, and does not have the delay so I can always capture the stunning moment.
3.What was your first mobile phone?My first mobile phone was the Nokia bar phone in 2004. It was quite expensive then because I was a university student and didn’t have much money. I got a part-time job to earn the money and bought it in a shopping mall. Fortunately the mobile phone turned out to be well worth what I had done then.
4.Would you buy a new one in the future?Yes, my iPhone 5s is relatively outdated, so I just want to update to the latest iPhone 6s in the near future. It has a larger screen so I believe it would be much more comfortable to read news or type text messages to my friends on it.
5.How has your mobile phone changed your life?Oh, the mobile phone definitely has changed my life dramatically. Probably the most interesting change is that the mobile phone has freed me from the constraints of space. For example, it is no longer necessary to meet my friends to apologise if I'm late to a meeting. I just make a telephone call. I think my life is fully mobile.
6.How often do you use your mobile phone?Well, obviously I use my mobile phone on a daily basis. I always use it to get in touch with my family and friends. Besides, I play games in my mobile phone when I have nothing to do at home in the day time.
7.Can you describe your mobile phone?Currently I’m using iPhone 6s. Though it was quite expensive, it came with lots of exciting features and apps. The screen response is perfect and the thumb print works 100% of the time and is really convenient to get into the phone. Besides, the camera is awesome too, and does not have the delay so I can always capture the stunning moment.
8.What was your first mobile phone?My first mobile phone was the Nokia bar phone in 2004. It was quite expensive then because I was a university student and didn’t have much money. I got a part-time job to earn the money and bought it in a shopping mall. Fortunately the mobile phone turned out to be well worth what I had done then.
9.Would you buy a new one in the future?Yes, my iPhone 5s is relatively outdated, so I just want to update to the latest iPhone 6s in the near future. It has a larger screen so I believe it would be much more comfortable to read news or type text messages to my friends on it.
10.How has your mobile phone changed your life?Oh, the mobile phone definitely has changed my life dramatically. Probably the most interesting change is that the mobile phone has freed me from the constraints of space. For example, it is no longer necessary to meet my friends to apologise if I'm late to a meeting. I just make a telephone call. I think my life is fully mobile.
11.Do you have a mobile phone?Yes, I can't live without it, and I am getting a new mobile phone for my birthday.
12.What do you use your mobile phone for?I use it as the only connection to the rest of the world. I can text a message, making a phone call, and I also use it as a clock and calculator. Moreover, iphone has a lot of interesting apps now so mobile phone is not only a tool but also a toy for me.
13.how do you think mobile phones will develop or change in the future?A lot of interesting apps are based on a big screen, so I think mobile phones are going to be big again.
14.Do you prefer to communicate by telephone calls or by SMS?Yes, especially sending messages which I think is a wonderful invention, because it gives each other more privacy than calling. Moreover, I will be shy when I start a conversation so sending messages is the best choice for me.
15.What trouble will a mobile phone calls when you are travelling?Travelling is only for relaxed but mobile phone always interrupts the beauty of traveling because people I know keep telephone me, which bothers me a lot.
雅思口語Part 2&3考官范文:第一部手機
Describe your first mobile phone.
You should say:
When you got it
How you got it
What you used it for
And explain how you felt when you got it.
Ok right then, I’m gonna tell you a little bit about my first mobile phone, or at least as much as I can remember anyway, because I think it was about seven or eight years ago when I first got one, so my memory’s a bit sketchy.
Anyway, in terms of how I came to getting my first mobile, well basically, I had kind of been going on at my mum for quite a while to get me one, but she kept saying, quite rightly, that I was too young and didn’t really need one. But when I hit the age of about 15, I think it was, she finally relented, and took me to the shops to choose one.
So uh, yeah, I remember at the time that neither of us knew much about mobiles, so when we walked into the shop, we just asked the sales assistant there to recommend us one. And I think I’m right in saying that we ended up choosing the cheapest and most basic phone they had, simply because I wasn’t really interested in having loads of functions, you know, all I wanted to use it for was to call and text people.
So that’s how got I it, and um…what else is there to say, uh…. Oh yeah, as for how I felt when I got it, well, in actual fact, I didn’t feel overly excited or anything, you know, it was really just a feeling of, um… what’s the word, umm….. I guess you could say it was like, um, a stronger sense of independence that I felt, um, as well as gratitude to my mum, of course, for giving it to me!
And I took pretty good care of it, you know, I even spent, like, 200 rmb on a leather case to go around it, and it lasted a pretty long time. I think I used it for something like 3 or four years before moving on to a better one. And I think I’ve still got it stored in a drawer somewhere at home. So uh, yeah that’s it. Thanks for listening.
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