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2023-10-20 16:08:47 來(lái)源:中國(guó)教育在線



雅思大作文開(kāi)頭模板  1. In some countries young people are encouraged to work or travel for a yearbetween finishing high school and starting university studies.
  Discuss the advantages and disadvantages for young people who decide to dothis.
  This might be a commonplace practice that in some countries high school leaversare encouraged to work or travel for a year before they start university. From mypoint of view, there are advantages and disadvantages to this practice. In this essay,both sides will be closely examined.
  2. Some people think the best way to reduce crime is to give longer prisonsentences. Others, however, think there are better alternative ways to reducecrime. Discuss both views and give your opinion.
  With the increase of the crime rate in our society nowadays, there has been muchdebate on ways to reduce crimes. Some people suggest that criminals should hesent to prison for longer; while others argue that there could be better options. Inthis essay, I will examine both views regarding this issue before providing my ownopinion.
  3. Some people think that a sense of competition in children should beencouraged. Others believe that children who are taught to co-operate ratherthan compete become more useful adults.
  Discuss both these views and give your own opinion.
  As for what kind of environment is conducive to children's growth, different people have different perspectives, which can be categorised mainly into competitive andcooperative. In this essay, both views will be explored.
  4. Some people think cultural heritage should be used to attract tourists andpromote tourism while others think that would damage cultural heritage.
  Discuss both views and give your own opinion.
  In present-day life it is not uncommon for many tourist sites boasting diversecultural heritage to attract an increasing number of visitors. While some peopletake this phenomenon for granted, there are others who hold that precious culturalheritage may be destroyed by visitors' inappropriate behavior.
  5. Some people argue that teaching children of different abilities togetherbenefits all of them; others believe that intelligent children should be taughtseparately and given special treatment. Discuss both views and explain whatyou think about it.
  Nowadays, there is a growing tendency for schools to practice a “Gifted Education”policy, which means intelligent students are selected and admitted to separatelydesigned programs. While another voice heard frequently is that children should have different perspectives, which can be categorised mainly into competitive andcooperative. In this essay, both views will be explored.
  6. Some maintain that college should teach students in regards to future careerswhile others argue that students should learn about what they are interestedin. What is your opinion?
  Universities around the world are now facing the question of how to effectively usetheir resources to educate a large population of students. Some hold that collegesshould offer subjects that are directly related to students' future employment,such as marketing and computer engineering; while others insist that teaching bein accordance with students' true interests. In my opinion, universities should, ingeneral, encourage students' curiosity and interests in furthering knowledge.
  7. Research indicates that the characteristics we are born with have much moreinfluence on our personality and development than any experiences we mayhave in our life.
  Which do you consider to be the major influence?
  Admittedly, the inborn characteristics we have influence our personality anddevelopment to some extent. From my point of view, however, the experienceswe go through in life, education and work outweigh the characteristics in terms ofshaping our personality. To make my claim more convincing, I list three argumentsas follows.
  8. Financial education should be a mandatory component of the schoolprogram. To what extent do you agree or disagree with this statement?
  With the rapid development of our society, finance, without a doubt, is playing adominant role in the world economic system. Recently, whether or not financialeducation should be a necessary subject for students to study has aroused publicattention. In my view, taking financial classes should he an optional choice forstudents rather than a mandatory one.
  9. Many languages are dying out every year. Some people think that our liveswill be simpler with fewer languages. To what extent do you agree or disagree?
  Nowadays, more and more people are concerned about the extinction of lesser-known languages. However, whether we should hold an optimistic attitude or treatit as a way of living a simpler life is a controversial issue. My view is that we shouldtry our utmost to protect all languages. The reasons are as follows.
  10. Some people say university students should pay for their tuition fees. Otherssay the government should pay for the tuition fees. What is your opinion?
  Who should pay for tertiary education is a highly controversial issue. Althoughthere is an argument that university students should pay for it, I do believe thatthe government should bear this responsibility in order to facilitate an educational environment with equal opportunities for all the citizens. In this essay, I will presentthe reasons to support this view.
  11. The media should not report details of crime to the public. To what extent doyou agree?
  Since the news coverage increasingly focuses on the dark side of society, it isundeniable that there are more crime scenes broadcast on TV and radio. Whetherthe media need to report every detail of committed crimes has been a controversialissue. Some people consider this trend a development of the media. Nevertheless,I believe it poses threats to the growth of adolescents.
  12. Many governments spend vast sums of money on self-defense. Somepeople think they should spend the money on reducing poverty and otherdisadvantages rather than on weapons. To what extent do you agree?
  It has become a common belief that a country's military power is of great importanceto its unitary power. It is therefore necessary for governments to spend huge sums ofmoney on self-defense, for example buying sophisticated weapons. However, somepeople think that money should be spent in reducing poverty rather than developingmilitary power. As far as I am concerned, it is reasonable that governments spend alarge amount of money on self-defense.


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